The Future of AI


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There is much confusion on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in how it is used in radiology departments. The noise comes from which applications to use for patient diagnostics, equipment serviceability, connecting to medical records; this has many directors scratching their heads. The focus here is on equipment serviceability. AI started back in the 1950s, but the lack of data made its capabilities nonexistent. AI’s value is tremendous when large amounts of data are available. Machine learning is a branch of AI which allows equipment to become “smart” devices by utilizing data and communication. Both AI and machine learning can be a tool utilized in hospitals, clinics and outpatient centers for better performance.

With a certified engineer from MIT in artificial intelligence and machine learning, Medzon has been implementing the technology at many hospitals to unlock the full potential of equipment by harnessing the power of connected machines to produce uptimes of 99%. The radiology department plays a vital role in the hospital, when equipment is down for a couple days, while waiting for parts or to have a skilled engineer to preform repairs, this will bleed the department’s revenue and affect quality. With AI and machine learning, we can be ahead of the game by predicting equipment failure. This gives the hospital peace of mind regarding schedules and gives the vendor time to source a part and possibly schedule a corrective maintenance after hours or on the weekend.

Hospitals are working smarter by using AI to support radiologists resulting in fewer errors and burnout from overworking. They are also using machine learning on equipment to have better performance and to train staff on equipment usage, techniques and forecast failures.

AI and machine learning will never substitute a human being, but it can be the tool that will increase efficiency, generate higher revenue and improve quality. For example, an airplane has an autopilot mode, but no one will be comfortable being on a plane without a pilot flying it. The same is to true when it cmomes to radiologists and staff in a hospital.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning is still in the early stages regarding its power and capabilities in the health care realm. However, the capabilities will be growing rapidly as more data is collected. I believe one should embrace and learn how it can support one’s daily work. In the future, hospitals will be considered a “smart entity” which will elevate health care resulting in better patient satisfaction. Hospitals will witness not only better performance among staff, but revenue will almost double. Additionally, hospitals will be easily connected with other hospitals worldwide. As 5G starts to integrate, a robust and faster bandwidth of Internet, AI will be a workhorse when it comes to collecting better data resulting in tremendous growth in health care.

Medzon, a consultant and a solution company that has derived its platform on AI and machine learning, is the backbone for so many hospitals in the world. Hospitals are losing nearly $3.1 million a year due to equipment downtime and being out of commission. Having AI, machine learning and a medical technology management program will significantly reduce equipment issues. Radiologists, doctors and nurses are not happy when the equipment is down.

We have a bright future coming to the health careA space with AI and ML for all types of medical equipment. This will make hospitals more profitable and improve the patient experience.

Dr. Abdul Alsaadi

The enormous amount of data being collected daily will have a positive impact to improve health care, including performance in radiology and the biomedical department. A note to hospitals and decision makers – do not ignore the importance of technology, but be involved as AI will be the norm in the future.

– Abdul Alsaadi, Ph.D., is the CEO of Medzon.